Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Aku nk tukar keje..

huhuhu..pening kpale aku..keje yg aku ingt best rupe nye tak best..huhuhu..hope sgt aku dpt offer keje lai b4 kawen ni..leh aku submit notis kt velosi..hope nye dpt la keje baru..pening dah kpale pk psl keje ni..psl kawe pon pening kpale jgk..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Time to move on

Ari ni aku dpt satu news yg memang aku tunggu all the week..New job..lega sangat bile kompeni tu kol..aku dah lame nk quit keje skrg since aku dah takde mud ngn kerena yg sellfish..payment claim aku yg makin ari makin bile dpt kol tu, aku terus teruja n excited when they informed me on the salary n benefits..alhamdulillah..syukur sgt2..I plan to submit my notice this coming monday..hihihi..n 3 engineers will quit at the same time..sure havoc la ofis..

klah..done n aku pon nk g tgk tmpt kusus kawen..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


ahhh..dah takde mud nk keje romstar..tak tahan dah...hope sgt dpt keje kt tmpt lain yg best lg dr berterabur..pening...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weird Feeling

Hmmmm...aku rase macam semacam...
macam-macam yg aku rase..resah..takut..tension..moody..unhappy..
macam-macam yg aku fikir..serabut rase nye otak aku ni..
baik aku kol mak aku..lega bile dengar suare mak..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Berehat jugak kali ni

Berehat rehat memang best..lagi-lagi bile sume nye kompeni yang bayarkan..ahahaha..
Tapi yang tak best sebab nye sorang sorang je...boring..minggu depan harap nye boleh balik KL dah..pastu aku nak balik kampong plak..ade orang nak ikut tak??hihihi..pastu ingat nye nak g JB jap..g rumah baru akak aku..dah lame tak g JB..leh gak bawak mak abah jalan jalan...Lately aku membace buku pasal Rahsia Kebahagian Suami Isteri..Bagus buku tu..Banyak perkare yang aku taktau...huhuhu...Hmmm.mase aku kat offshore ari tu..aku kenal sorang mamat turkmenistan..die muslim macam aku..tapi die citer kt aku die taktau nk folo Al-Quran or Bible..macam-macam die tanye aku...aku jawab je ape yg aku tau..n aku cakap kat die better for die carik sorang ustaz untuk tanye pasal kemusykilan die tu...Harap nye die dapat jadi muslim yang bagus...Semoga die dapat kembali ke jalan yang sebenar nye...InsyaAllah..tapi aku rase bersalah jugak tak dapat nak bantu die sangat..huhuhu...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rest for a while

Just came back from offshore..yeay!!!!hepiiiiiiii..
but i miss the western food at offshore..the food...hmmmmmmmm..
really enjoy the food..everyday i have the western food  for free...hihihi...
n the job also going so well..the 1st run was successful..glad..lalalala...
got two more pipelines to inspect..hopefully everything goes well...
to 'her'...can't wait to see 'her' after already saw 'her' parents...hihihi

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunday 05/04/09 1500 hrs to 1800 hrs

Alhamdulillah..semua nye berjalan lancar...syukur sgt..hmm aku dah bleh nmpk future aku skrg ni..Alhamdulillah..time kasih sgt kt "her" parents..terharu..tatau nk explain camne..just sgt2 hepi..thanks jgk kt "her"...skrg ni aku kene keje keras lebih everything that yg aku plan InsyaAllah akan ok..hopefully..N "her" parents jgk give me the licence nk pick "her" up at the airport this coming 17 may 2009..tak sabar nye...N pasni leh bwk my parents to meet "her" parents to discuss about "it"...tatau dah nk ckp camne..Perasaan yg aku tatau nk describe camne!!!!
Neway thanks to "her" parents and also to "her" because accepting myself seadanya..ALHAMDULILLAH...N mak pon tersangat2 excited when i called mak yesterday..tak sbr dah nk jmpe "her"...
K Assalamualaikum...EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!